About the Repository

Repository of Politeknik Negeri Bali implements the Permendikbud from Minister of Education and Culture, Number 3, Year 2020, about Higher Education National Standard. Therefore, this repository stores student scientific work in the form of full and certain chapters in final assignments (tugas akhir), theses (skripsi dan tesis), and articles in a format determined and validated by the editor. The manual for uploading final project data can be accessed here. Instructions in the video can be accessed through this link. The repository also records the scientific works, intellectual property rights, and various research and community services result carried out by lecturers of Politeknik Negeri Bali.

This repository is managed by the Library of Politeknik Negeri Bali. The repository management team are:
• Head of Library - Anak Agung Istri Raka Wahyuni, SE.
• Person in Charge - Dr. Anak Agung Ngurah Gde Sapteka, CIRR.
• Chief Editor - I Nyoman Budiarta, A.Ma., S.Sos.
• Editor - Fransiska Moi, S.T., M.T.
• Editor - Komang Widhi Widantha, S.T., M.T.
• Editor - Komang Wiratama, S.Kom., M.Cs.
• Editor - Dewa Ayu Indah Cahya Dewi, S.TI., M.T.
• Editor - Elvira Septevany, S.S.,M.Li.
• Editor - Wayan Eny Mariani, S.M.B., M.Si.
• Editor - Rifqi Nur Fakhrurozi, M.A.B.

Contact Informations

Any correspondence concerning this specific repository should be sent to repository@pnb.ac.id. Consultation regarding data recording in the repository is served on Wednesday, 15.00-17.00 local time, at Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (P3M) of Politeknik Negeri Bali.