Items where Author is "Ariana, I Made"

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Number of items: 50.

Ariningsih, Ni Wayan Sri and Ariana, I Made and Karma, I Gede Made (2023) Pengaruh Kompetensi Sumber Daya Manusia, Penerapan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi, dan Sistem Pengendalian Internal Terhadap Kualitas Laporan Keuangan (Studi Pada LPD di Kabupaten Bangli). Undergraduate thesis, Politeknik Negeri Bali.

Pradnyana, I Wayan Arya and Ariana, I Made and Karman, I Wayan (2023) Pengaruh Penerapan Sistem Just In Time Dan Total Quality Manajemen terhadap Efisiensi Biaya Persediaan Bahan Baku pada Perusahaan Konveksi di Kota Denpasar. Undergraduate thesis, Politeknik Negeri Bali.

Ariadi, I Made Noven and Ariana, I Made and Karman, I Wayan (2023) Pengaruh Penggunaan E-commerce, Sosial Media, Sistem Informasi Akuntansi dan Lingkungan Keluarga Terhadap Minat Berwirausaha. Undergraduate thesis, Politeknik Negeri Bali.

Putra, Putu Angga Pradnyana and Ariana, I Made and Suarta, I Made (2023) Pengaruh Literasi Keuangan, Efikasi Keuangan, dan Social Media Influencer terhadap Minat Investasi Pasar Modal Gen Z di Politeknik Negeri Bali. Undergraduate thesis, Politeknik Negeri Bali.

Wijaya, Maurizia Serlyna and Ariana, I Made and Handayani, Luh Nyoman Chandra (2023) Pengaruh Profitabilitas, Current Ratio, dan Growth Opportunity terhadap Keputusan Hedging Perusahaan Sektor Transportasi dan Logistik yang Terdaftar di BEI tahun 2021-2022. Undergraduate thesis, Politeknik Negeri Bali.

Monica, Santa and Ariana, I Made and Suarta, I Made (2023) Analisis Kebijakan Kredit dan Efektivitas Pengelolaan Piutang pada Heritage Bali. Diploma thesis, Politeknik Negeri Bali.

Amanda, Ni Komang Shinta and Karman, I Wayan and Ariana, I Made (2023) Pengaruh Penerapan Manajemen Risiko dan Sistem Good Corporate Governance (GCG) Terhadap Kinerja Keuangan PT Angkasa Pura I. Undergraduate thesis, Politeknik Negeri Bali.

Suputra, Gede Yoga and Karman, I Wayan and Ariana, I Made (2023) Pengaruh Profitabilitas dan Risiko Bisnis Terhadap Struktur Modal pada Perusahaan Properti, Real Estate dan Bangunan di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2020-2022. Undergraduate thesis, Politeknik Negeri Bali.

Sari, Ni Putu Eka Satya and Ariana, I Made and Sukra, I Nyoman (2022) Analisis Pengaruh Arus Kas Operasi, Laba Akuntansi, dan Leverage terhadap Return Saham pada Perusahaan Subsektor Farmasi di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2019-2021. Undergraduate thesis, Politeknik Negeri Bali.

Lestari, Luh Putu Satya and Ariana, I Made and Jaya, I Made Sura Ambara (2022) Accounting Analysis in the Assessment of Financial Performance at LPD Desa Adat Bongan Selemadeg Timur. Repositori Politeknik Negeri Bali.

Khoirunnisa, Indira Lutfiah and Ariana, I Made and Jaya, I Made Sura Ambara (2022) Financial Distress Analysis with Springate and Zmijewski Models at PT Aerofood ACS Indonesia Unit Denpasar. Repositori Politeknik Negeri Bali.

Sari, Ni Putu Eka Satya and Ariana, I Made and Sukra, I Nyoman (2022) Analysis of the Effect of Operating Cash Flow, Accounting Profit, and Leverage on Stock Returns in Pharmaceutical Subsector Companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2019-2021 Period. Repositori Politeknik Negeri Bali.

Wandini, Ni Komang Ari Prema and Ariana, I Made and Handayani, Luh Nyoman Chandra (2022) Analysis of Company Performance Measurement Using the Balanced Scorecard Approach at PT Smart Advisory Solutions. Repositori Politeknik Negeri Bali.

Yanti, Ni Luh Putu Darma and Ariana, I Made and Sudiadnyani, I Gusti Agung Oka (2022) The Influence of Interest Rates, Credit Procedures, and Service Quality on Customer Interest in Credit Submission at LPD (Case Study at the LPD of Padangtegal, Ubud District, Gianyar Regency). Repositori Politeknik Negeri Bali.

Lestari, Luh Putu Satya and Ariana, I Made and Jaya, I Made Sura Ambara (2022) Analisis Akuntansi dalam Penilaian Kinerja Keuangan pada LPD Desa Adat Bongan Selemadeg Timur. Undergraduate thesis, Politeknik Negeri Bali.

Khoirunnisa, Indira Lutfiah and Ariana, I Made and Jaya, I Made Sura Ambara (2022) Analisis Financial Distress Menggunakan Model Springate dan Zmijewski pada PT Aerofood ACS Indonesia Unit Denpasar. Undergraduate thesis, Politeknik Negeri Bali.

Wandini, Ni Komang Ari Prema and Ariana, I Made and Handayani, Luh Nyoman Chandra (2022) Analisis Pengukuran Kinerja Perusahaan Menggunakan Pendekatan Balanced Scorecard pada PT Smart Advisory Solutions. Undergraduate thesis, Politeknik Negeri Bali.

Pusparini, Ni Putu Novi and Ariana, I Made and Sumartana, I Made (2022) Analisis Kinerja Keuangan Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Siman Tri Sejahtera Desa Sesetan. Diploma thesis, Politeknik Negeri Bali.

Setyadewi, Ni Komang Wina Mirah and Ariana, I Made and Suta, I Wayan Purwanta (2022) Analisis Kinerja Keuangan Pada Koperasi Serba Usaha Gangga Mulia di Jembrana. Diploma thesis, Politeknik Negeri Bali.

Yanti, Ni Luh Putu Darma and Ariana, I Made and Sudiadnyani, I Gusti Agung Oka (2022) Pengaruh Suku Bunga, Prosedur Kredit, dan Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Minat Nasabah Dalam Mengambil Kredit Pada LPD. Undergraduate thesis, Politeknik Negeri Bali.

Sari, Ni Wayan Manik and Ariana, I Made and Suardani, Anak Agung Putri (2022) Analisis Tingkat Kesehatan Lembaga Perkreditan Desa (LPD) Berdasarkan Metode Camel Plus pada LPD Desa Adat Taro Kaja. Diploma thesis, Politeknik Negeri Bali.

Rismayanti, Ni Kadek and Ariana, I Made and Suarta, I Made (2022) Analisis Tingkat Kesehatan Lembaga Perkreditan Desa (LPD) Desa Adat Tegalcangkring. Diploma thesis, Politeknik Negeri Bali.

Jaya, I Made Sura Ambara and Sukasih, Ni Ketut and Karman, I Wayan and Ariana, I Made (2022) Entrepreneurship Orientation and Financial Performance of Traditional Village Business Entities. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Social Science 2022 (iCAST-SS 2022), 21-23 October 2022, Bandung, Indonesia (Hybrid).

Sugiarta, I Komang and Ardina, Cening and Ariana, I Made (2022) Hybrid Learning Model in the Teaching and Learning Process Basic Accounting Practice. international journal of Education, Learning and Development, 10 (10). pp. 48-56. ISSN 20546297

Ariana, I Made and Sugiarta, I Komang and Bagiada, I Made and Mahayana, I Dewa Made (2021) Development of Applications for Making Evidence-Based Accounting Practice Modules. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Social Science 2021 (iCAST-SS 2021), October 23, 2021, Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia.

Hardika, Nyoman Sentosa and Ariana, I Made and Sudana, I Made and Masih, Ni Ketut (2021) Development of Spreadsheet Based Application for Hotel Accounting Practice Learning. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Social Science 2021 (iCAST-SS 2021), October 23, 2021, Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia.

Putri, Luh Gede Nomica Eka and Ariana, I Made and Saputra, Made Dana (2021) Environmental Cost Accounting Treatment and Their Effect on Financial Statements and Assessment of Sustainability Performance at PT Alove Bali. Journal of Applied Sciences in Accounting, Finance, and Tax, 4 (2). pp. 97-104. ISSN 2655-2590

Pratama, N A and Ariana, I Made and Suardani, Anak Agung Putri (2020) Analysis of Financial Conditions with the Altman Z-Score Method to Predict Bankruptcy (Case Study at PT Bintang Grana Darma). Journal of Applied Sciences in Accounting, Finance, and Tax, 3 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2655-2590

Wicaksana, Ketut Arya Bayu and Karman, I Wayan and Jaya, I Made Sura Ambara and Ariana, I Made (2020) Fixed Asset Applications Using Excel as a Supplement of Village Asset Management Systems. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Social Science (ICAST-SS 2020), 24-25 October 2020, Padang, Indonesia.

Ariana, I Made and Bagiada, I Made and Masih, Ni Ketut (2020) Praktikum Akuntansi Dasar Berbasis Spreadsheet: Metode Perpetual. Working Paper. Penerbit IN MEDIA, Bogor.

Ariana, I Made and Bagiada, I Made and Masih, Ni Ketut (2020) Praktikum Akuntansi Keuangan 1 : Kasus dan Kertas Kerja Berbasis Spreadsheet. Working Paper. Penerbit IN MEDIA, Bogor.

Ariana, I Made and Bagiada, I Made and Sugiarta, I Komang and Mahayana, I Dewa Made (2020) The Use of Spreadsheet-Based Basic Accounting Practice Applications in Online Learning. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Social Science (ICAST-SS 2020), 24-25 October 2020, Padang, Indonesia.

Meliawati, Ni Putu and Ariana, I Made and Karma, I Gede Made (2019) Accounting Treatment of Accounts Receivable and its Effect on Financial Statements and Account Receivables Collectability at The Royal Santrian Luxury Beach Villas. Journal of Applied Sciences in Accounting, Finance, and Tax, 2 (2). pp. 142-148. ISSN 2655-2590

Meliawati, Ni Putu and Ariana, I Made and Karma, I Gede Made (2019) Accounting Treatment of Accounts Receivable and its Effect on Financial Statements and Account Receivables Collectability at the Royal Santrian Luxury Beach Villas. Journal of Applied Sciences in Accounting, Finance, and Tax, 2 (2). pp. 142-148. ISSN 2655-2590

Sukasih, Ni Ketut and Susilawati, N L N A S and Ariana, I Made (2019) Aplikasi Siklus Pendapatan Berbasis Spreadsheet Untuk Usaha Kecil yang Menggunakan Mesin Register Kas. Jurnal Maneksi (Management Ekonomi dan Akuntansi), 8 (1). pp. 127-132. ISSN 2597-4599

Hardika, Nyoman Sentosa and Ariana, I Made (2019) Feasibility of Audio Visual-Based Accounting Competency Test Training Material. In: Proceedings of the International Conference On Applied Science and Technology 2019 - Social Sciences Track (iCASTSS 2019), 24-25 October 2019, Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center, Bali, Indonesia.

Ristianti, R and Sugiarta, I Komang and Ariana, I Made (2019) The Influence of Average Collection Periods on Cash Ratio, Net Profit Margin, and Return on Assets at PT Angkasa Pura I Persero Branch of I Gusti Ngurah Rai International. Journal of Applied Sciences in Accounting, Finance, and Tax, 2 (1). pp. 71-79. ISSN 2655-2590

Ariana, I Made and Jaya, I Made Sura Ambara and Mahayana, I Dewa Made (2019) Student Acceptance of The Use of Spreadsheet-Based Accounting Applications. In: Proceedings of the International Conference On Applied Science and Technology 2019 - Social Sciences Track (iCASTSS 2019), 24-25 October 2019, Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center, Bali, Indonesia.

Ariana, I Made and Bagiada, I Made (2018) Development of Spreadsheet-Based Integrated Transaction Processing Systems and Financial Reporting Systems. Journal of Physics: Conf. Series (JPCS), 953 (2). pp. 1-6.

Masih, Ni Ketut and Ariana, I Made (2018) Industries' Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS 2018), October 18th-19th, 2018, Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center, Bali, Indonesia.

Aplikasi Kertas Kerja Praktik Siklus Akuntansi Berbasis Spreadsheet dengan Pendekatan Sillus Transaksi (2018) Software/program Kertas Kerja Praktik Akuntansi Keuangan Berbasis Spreadsheet. 000125348.

Aplikasi Kertas Kerja Praktik Siklus Akuntansi berbasis spreadsheet (2018) Software/program Kertas Kerja Praktik Siklus Akuntansi berbasis spreadsheet. 000113186.

Ariana, I Made and Bagiada, I Made and Sukayasa, I Ketut (2018) User Satisfaction on Technical and Operational Performance of Spreadsheet-Based Financial Accounting Application. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS 2018), October 18th-19th, 2018, Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center, Bali, Indonesia.

Jaya, I Made Sura Ambara and Ariana, I Made (2017) Development of Computer – Based Student Working Practice Information System. In: The 2nd International Joint Conference on Science and Technology (IJCST) 2017 27–28 September 2017, Bali, Indonesia, 27–28 September 2017, Bali, Indonesia.

Ariana, I Made (2017) Kelayakan Modul Praktik Dasar-Dasar Akutansi Berbasis Spreadsheet dengan Pendekatan Siklus Transaksi. Jurnal Teknodik:Teknologi Pendidikan, 21 (2). pp. 145-154. ISSN 2088-3978

Susilawati, N L N A S and Sukasih, Ni Ketut and Ariana, I Made (2017) Spreadsheet-Based Accounting Application with Transaction Cycle Approach for Manufacturing Company. In: The 2nd International Joint Conference on Science and Technology (IJCST) 2017 27–28 September 2017, Bali, Indonesia, 27–28 September 2017, Bali, Indonesia.

Ariana, I Made and Bagiada, I Made (2016) Student Perceptions of Spreadsheet Based Accounting Application with Transaction Cycles Approach. In: The 1 st International Joint Conference on Science and Technology (IJCST), 12-13 Oktober 2016, Bali, Indonesia.

Ariana, I Made (2011) Hubungan Kinerja dan Kepuasan Pengguna Sistem Informasi pada Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR). IMATEC: Information Management & Tecnology, 2 (1). pp. 36-43. ISSN 2087-5312

Ariana, I Made (2010) Informasi Akuntansi dan Perilaku Pengambilan Keputusan. Jurnal Valid, 7 (3). pp. 80-87. ISSN 1829-5037

Ariana, I Made (2010) Pengendalian Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Berbasis Komputer pada Lembaga Perkreditan Desa. Jurnal Valid, 7 (1). pp. 22-32. ISSN 1829-5037

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