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Adnyana, Ida Bagus Artha and Rahmanu, I Wayan Eka Dian and Sutarma, I Gusti Putu and Handayani, Luh Nyoman Chandra (2021) Cultural enrichment in Indonesian language for foreign speaker (BIPA) learning with Trihita Karana concept. Journal of Applied Studies in Language, 5 (2). pp. 291-300. ISSN e-ISSN 2615-4706 p-ISSN 2598-4101
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Handayani, Luh Nyoman Chandra and Sukerti, Gusti Nyoman Ayu and Wicaksana, Ketut Arya Bayu (2022) Integrating dictionary on taxation accounting terminology as self-learning kit in English for specific purposes. Journal of Applied Studies in Language, 6 (2). pp. 144-153. ISSN e-ISSN: 2615-4706 p-ISSN: 2598-4101
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Sukerti, Gusti Nyoman Ayu and Handayani, Luh Nyoman Chandra and Nugroho, I Made Riyan Adi (2022) The Implementation of Grammar Application for Computer Students: Integrating Digital Learning Kit in English for Specific Purpose. In: 5Th International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Social Science 2022 (iCast-SS 2022)). Atlantic Press, pp. 408-414. ISBN 10.2991/978-2-494069-83-1_68
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